Data week 2024


Oct 07 – OCT 11

Events Lineup


9am – 10am: Executive Search Firm

The Search For AI / Data Talent, Roundtable, Chatham House Rules

Buyside & PE Focused. 15 to 20 People. 

Rockefeller Plaza

10.30am – 12pm: Enterprise Data Platform

Making Category Leading Alt Data Available To The Buyside

Lexington Avenue

12pm – 1.30pm: Society

Evolution Of Data & Data Science For The Fundamental Analyst

Society Focused. 100 People. 

Times Square

2pm – 3.30pm: Leading Legal Firm

Addressing Compliance Complexities In Corporate Monetization

3rd Avenue

4.30pm – 5.30pm: Leading Software Firm

Convergence of Alternative Data & Market Data – Implications For Solution Providers? 

Bryant Park

6pm: Eagle Alpha Social

Pre-Conference VIP Buyers & Vendors – Cocktails & Social



Eagle Alpha Conference

Agenda & Register Here

360 Madison

SQA Data Alphathon (At Eagle Alpha Conference)

SQA Members Prioritized. Agenda & Register Here

360 Madison


9am – 10am: ADI & Code Willing

GenAI’s Impact on Data Productization

Capacity 20 to 30 people. Buyside & PE. Register Interest Here

Grand Central Area

11am: PhD & University Meet Up

How is Technology Changing the Fundamental Analyst Role?

Times Square

12.30pm: Top 4 Data Consultancy

How Are Corporates Approaching Data Assetization?

 Buyside, PE & Corporate Focused. 30 to 50 People.

Hudson Yards

2:30pm: System2 

US Consumer – Deep Dive Into Behavioral Trends With Transaction Data

Capacity 15 to 20 people. Buyers & Vendors. Register Interest Here

Park Avenue (East 59th)

More TBA…

Blog: Data week is a premier gathering for the global data community, with events across Midtown Manhattan.

Sign Up For Data Week Calendar & Updates

Sign up for data week calendar updates // Individual events have their own registration

To request an event idea, please submit to Eagle Alpha has the final decision on partner events being part of the week and listed on the website and will contact you once the submission has been reviewed.