Sell Data to Asset Managers: A Guide to Pricing and Marketing Your Data

Selling your data to asset managers can be a profitable venture. Understanding how to market your data effectively and set appropriate pricing is crucial to sell data. This guide provides practical advice on these aspects.

UNBOUND Conference Wrap

UNBOUND Conference Wrap

The Unbound Alternative Data Conference was part of the inaugural Data Week, hosted by Eagle Alpha, a series of specialist meet-ups with industry experts across NYC. The conference was held on October 9th at Convene’s Madison Avenue offices. The agenda included talks...

Eagle Alpha’s Inaugural Data Week in NYC

Eagle Alpha’s Inaugural Data Week in NYC

As I come up for air at the end of an inspiring time in New York, I wanted to thank the participants who took part in our first ever Data Week. Now being referred to as ‘inaugural’ so watch this space for our next one. We received positive feedback from each of the...

First Steps in Alternative Data Strategy

First Steps in Alternative Data Strategy

As firms venture into alternative data, a common question emerges: "Where should we start?" This blog is tailored to firms taking their initial steps into alternative data strategy, drawing from Eagle Alpha's extensive experience and insights from working closely with...

Finding The Right Data With Semantic Search

Finding The Right Data With Semantic Search

Every day, Eagle Alpha helps guide data-intensive organizations towards the right datasets to answer their research question or fulfill their model requirements. One of the challenges with finding relevant datasets is assessing use case suitability among the wide...