Tracking Supply Chain Disruptions with Alternative Data
Tracking Supply Chain Disruptions with Alternative Data Background Over the past two years, alternative data sources have proven to offer hugely effective and timely insights for companies wanting to understand the impact of COVID-19. Coming into the winter holiday...
2021 Alternative Data Year in Review
2021 Alternative Data Year in Review This letter was taken from our annual report titled '2021 Alternative Data Report: Year in Review'. You can access a copy of this report here. Dear All, Welcome to our “2021 Year In Review”. Given Eagle Alpha’s role as the leading...
Post-Acquisition for Private Equity
Post-Acquisition for Private Equity (CAIA Association Collaboration) This blog is based on a webcast hosted in partnership with CAIA Association, where Eagle Alpha’s Director of Dara Strategy and Analytics, Ronan Crosson, spoke alongside Tim Kiely, Lead Data...
Deal Origination & Due Diligence for Private Equity (CAIA Association Collaboration)
This blog is based on a webcast hosted in partnership with CAIA Association, where Eagle Alpha spoke alongside strategic partners onefourzero about using alternative data for deal origination and due diligence. The Alternative Data Landscape for Private Equity If we...
App Annie and Founder Bertrand Schmitt Charged with Securities Fraud by the SEC
At Eagle Alpha, we have always, and continue to educate and emphasize the importance of legal & compliance in all alternative data strategies. We are proud to be partnered with Lowenstein Sandler to deliver content and regular Data Strategy webinars for clients on...
How Mobile App Data Quickly Established Itself As A Leading Alt Data Source
Background With an increasing number of internet users moving away from traditional internet channels like desktop computers and towards mobile-only use, app usage data can offer hugely valuable insights into consumer behaviour and company performance through a...