Novel Alternative Data Insights
With access to over 2,000 dataset profiles fully equipped with use cases, diligence reports, interactive data insights, and sample data, our solutions provide readily available alternative data at your fingertips.Data Buyer Solutions
The leading asset managers, private equity, and consultancy firms globally trust Eagle Alpha to efficiently incorporate alternative data into their decision-making and help them find the top alternative data providers. We support researchers, compliance, and data operations teams across these leading firms with our platform and workflow tools.
Alternative Data Buyer Platform
Our platform allows data buyers to search comprehensive data vendor profiles to find the best fit for your strategy.
- 2,000 + Dataset Profiles
- Sample Data
- 1,000+ DDQs
- Tearsheets
- Use Cases
- White Papers
- 1-1 Booking Platform
- Trial Data Direct Delivery
- Alternative Data API
- Conference and Event Assets
Expert Advisory
We elevate our offerings through expert advisory, bespoke training, live webinars and premium content to optimize your buying journey. Advisory includes:
- Custom Data Discovery & Prioritization projects
- Data Strategy & Processes
- Legal & Compliance (in collaboration with Schulte Roth & Zabel and FISD)
- What is Alternative Data
- Working with Alternative Data
Buyer Solutions Journey
Dataset Discovery
Discover 1,900+ datasets profiled to FISD standards, 500+ samples available for download, and 1,000+ DDQs.
Screen by country, sector, alternative data category and by stock ticker.
Filter by history, frequency, mapping and dataset pricing.
Keyword Analysis
Deeper dive into datasets by key word search of profiles and attachments.
Connect with Companies
Connect with data companies using our proprietary 1-1 booking platform.
Trial Delivery
Eagle Alpha delivers trial data directly and allows you to monitor trial progress.
Get a Demo
Request a demo of the vendor or buyer journey on our platform to learn how our services and solutions can help you unlock the potential of alternative data.